Saturday, April 7, 2012

Now available on iTunes - Music from a Mother's Heart!

Preview and download HERE!

Over the past ten years I have been incredibly blessed to share my music.  These songs included in this special collection are very dear to me because each is inspired by the true heroes in my life who allow me the greatest joy possible in being a mother.  Those heroes are my precious children.  In these songs are just a handful of the special stories that have been ours through the years.  I pray that mothers of all capacities may find a song that tells a bit of their own story, and that most importantly, they will feel of their great worth and ability to bless the lives of their children and all those whom they love and serve.


Melanie and Curtis said...

I love it Lynds! Everything about it, including the darling picture of you and Lily! You are such an incredible mother and I look up to you in every way!

Unknown said...

This is such a beautiful CD, thank you so much for your inspiration. I want you to know that your songs uplift me and make my day better!